Author Archives: Rujie Wang
Shanghai Massacre; the GMD crack down on Shanghai communists and expel CCP and Soviets
Beginning of Northern Expedition against warlords (北伐); during 1924-27, first united front of CCP and GMD
Versailles Treaty; students’ protest against the treaty; May Fourth Movement broke out from Peking and spread to major Chinese cities; this new cultural movement was characterized by its anti-traditionalism; Click here to see a documentary clip on the May Fourth … Continue reading
October 10: outbreak in Wuhan of Chinese Revolution; national day for Republic of China
Boxer Uprising, backed by the Empress Dowager who declared war against “all foreigners in the world;” second expedition by the Allied forces (of 8 nations: Britain, The United States, Russia, Japan, France, Germany, Italy and Austria) entered Peking; the Imperial … Continue reading