Dr. Ziying You (zyou@wooster.edu) received her doctorate in East Asian Languages and Literatures from OSU in 2015, M.A. in Interdisciplinary Studies: Folklore, from University of Oregon 2009, M.A. in Modern and Contemporary Chinese Literature, Beijing University (China) 2005, and B.A. in Chinese Language and Literature Education, Henan Normal University (China) 2002
- Visiting Assistant Professor of Chinese Studies, The College of Wooster
- Andrew W. Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow in Chinese Studies, The College of Wooster
- Instructor in East Asian Languages and Literatures, The Ohio State University
- Graduate Teaching Assistant in Chinese, The Ohio State University
- Graduate Teaching Assistant in Folklore and Asian Studies, University of Oregon
- Editor, Forum on Folk Culture, Academe Press, Beijing, China
2017–current 2015–2017 2014 & 2015 2010–2013 2007–2009 2005–2007
You, Ziying. Forthcoming. Folk Literati, Contested Tradition, and Heritage in Contemporary China: Incense Is Kept Burning. Bloomington: Indiana University Press. Online Introduction
Zhang, Lijun, and Ziying You, eds. Forthcoming. Chinese Folklore Studies Today: Discourse and Practice. Bloomington: Indiana University Press. Online Introduction
Book Chapters
You, Ziying. Forthcoming. “Contested Myth, History, and Beliefs: Remaking Yao and Shun’s Stories in Hongtong, Shanxi.” In Chinese Folklore Studies Today: Discourse and Practice, edited by Lijun Zhang and Ziying You. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.
Zhang, Lijun, and Ziying You. Forthcoming. Introduction to Chinese Folklore Studies Today: Dis- course and Practice, edited by Lijun Zhang and Ziying You. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.
You, Ziying. Forthcoming. “Teaching Chinese Mythology at an American College: Exploring Traditional Chinese Myths, Legends, and Beliefs through ‘The Precious Scroll of the Three Lives of Mulian’.” In Tradition and Transition: Teaching Chinese Culture Overseas, edited by Gang Liu and Haixia Wang. Beijing: Beijing University Press.
You, Ziying. 2017. “How China-US Folkloristic Exchanges Influenced Me.” In Metafolklore: Sto- ries of Sino-US Folkloristic Communication, edited by Juwen Zhang and Junhua Song. Guangzhou: Sun Yat-sen University Press.
You, Ziying. 2004. “Annals of ’Youth Forum on Folk Culture’.” In The Intellectual History of Chinese Folk Culture Studies, edited by Chen Yongchao, 358–392. Harbin: Heilongjiang People’s Publishing House.
Journal Articles
You, Ziying. 2017. “From Flood Myth to Flood Narrative: Survivor-centered Disaster Narrative and Community Rebuilding in Hongtong, Shanxi.” Folklore Studies 4: 117-126.
You, Ziying. 2017. “Changing Tradition: Contentious Responses to the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage in Hongtong, Shanxi.” Cultural Heritage 1: 33-42.
You, Ziying. 2015. “Entertaining Deities and Humans with Performances of Puju (Puzhou Opera) at a Temple Fair in Yangxie Village, Southwestern Shanxi, May 29-June 2, 2013.” Journal of Chinese Oral and Performing Literature 34 (2): 139-161.
You, Ziying. 2015. “Shifting Actors and Power Relations: Contentious Local Responses to the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage in Contemporary China.”Journal of Folklore Research 52 (2-3): 253-268.
Reprinted in UNESCO on the Ground: Local Perspectives on Global Policy for Intangible Cultural Her- itage, edited by Michael Dylan Foster and Lisa Gilman, 113-128. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.
Lloyd, Timothy, and Ziying You. 2013. “The Past, Present, and Future of Public Folklore in America.” Translated by Ling Ding. Folklore Studies 6: 30-41.
You, Ziying. 2012. “Tradition and Ideology: Creating and Performing New Gushi in China from 1962 to 1966.”Asian Ethnology 71 (2): 259-280.
You, Ziying. 2002. “On Function and Traditional Meaning of Mourning Apparel in the Rites and Customs of Chinese Funerals.” Babao Mountain 4: 17-25.
Other Publications
You, Ziying. 2018. “Advanced Chinese Language and Culture Course ‘Journey to the West’ Successfully Created at The College of Wooster.”Chinese Language Teachers Association (USA) Newsletters 42(3): 12-3.
You, Ziying. 2012. Review of Burning Money: The Material Spirit of the Chinese Lifeworld, by C. Fred Blake. Asian Ethnology 71 (2): 298-300.
You, Ziying. 2009. “Folk Games and Folk Arts.” In Chinese Encyclopedia. The Second Edition. Beijing: China Encyclopedia Publishing House.
Translations (from English into Chinese)
Lindahl, Carl. 2014. “Legends of Hurricane Katrina: The Right To Be Wrong, Survivor-to- Survivor Storytelling, and Healing.” Translated by Ziying You. Forum on Folk Culture 2: 24-50.
Sherman, Sharon R. 2011. Documenting Ourselves: Film, Video, and Culture. Translated by Juwen Zhang, et al. (including Ziying You). Wuhan: Central China Normal University Press.
Jones, Michael Owen. 2006. “A Feeling for Form, the Urge to Create, and the Need to Express: Art and Aesthetics in the Home, Workplace, and Sanctuary.” Translated by Ziying You. Forum on Folk Culture 2: 64-71.
Jones, Michael Owen. 2006. “What is Folk Art, and When will it Die Out? On Traditional Aesthetic Behavior in Everyday Life.” Translated by Ziying You. Forum on Folk Culture 1: 43-52.
Sherman, Sharon R. 2005. “Focusing In: Film and the Survival of Folklore Studies in the 21st Century.” Translated by You, Ziying, and Juwen Zhang. Forum on Folk Culture 6: 51-61.
Jones, Michael Owen. 2005. “Artifacts, History, Culture, or Behavior: How Do We Study Folk Art and Technology?” Translated by Ziying You. Forum on Folk Culture 5: 78-89.
MANUSCRIPTS IN PROGRESS Journal and Journal Articles
You, Ziying, and Patricia A. Hardwick, eds. Intangible Cultural Heritage in Asia: Traditions in Transition. A special issue for Asian Ethnology. (under review)
You, Ziying. “Conflicts over Local Beliefs: Feudal Superstitions as Intangible Cultural Heritage in China.” Asian Ethnology. (under review)
You, Ziying. Fen Alcohol Making as Intangible Cultural Heritage in Contemporary China: Politics,
Gender, and Community. (in progress) CONFERENCE PAPERS
You, Ziying. 2019. “Beliefs and Resistance: Making Disaster Legends in Hongtong, Shanxi, China.” Paper to be presented at the Chinese Oral and Performing Literature (CHINOPERL) Conference, Denver, CO, March 21.
You, Ziying. 2018. “Creating a Diverse Community in the Classroom and Beyond: Teaching ‘Myths, Legends, and Beliefs in China’ at The College of Wooster.” Paper presented at the
American Folklore Society Meeting, Buffalo, NY, October 17-20.
You, Ziying. 2017. “‘Receiving Aunties’: Feudal Superstitions as Intangible Cultural Heritage in China.”Paper presented at the American Folklore Society Meeting, Minneapolis, MN, October 18-21.
You, Ziying. 2017. “Tradition and Heritage: Grassroots Agency in Cultural Preservation in China.” Paper presented at the Association for Asian Studies Annual Conference, Toronto, On- tario, Canada, March 16-19.
You, Ziying. 2016. “Contested Myth, History, and Belief: Worshipping Yao and Shun at Temples in Rural Northern China.” Paper presented at the American Folklore Society’s joint meeting with the International Society for Folk Narrative Research, Miami, FL, October 19-22.
You, Ziying. 2016. “Conflicts over Tradition: ‘Feudal Superstitions’ as Intangible Cultural Heritage in China.” Paper presented at the Association for Asian Studies Annual Conference, Seattle, WA, March 31–April 3.
You, Ziying. 2015.“‘TraditionEcology’:RemakingEhuangandNu ̈ying’sConflictStoriesby Folk Literati in Hongtong, Shanxi, China.” Paper presented at the American Folklore Society Meeting, Long Beach, CA, October 14-17.
You, Ziying. 2015. “Negotiating Heritage: Conflict and Cooperation in the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage in Hongtong, Shanxi, China.” Paper presented at the Mid-Atlantic Region Association for Asian Studies 44th Annual Conference, Pittsburgh, PA, October 9-11.
You, Ziying. 2014. “The Sense of Cultural Continuity and Social Actors in Cultural Production in Contemporary China.” Paper presented at the American Folklore Society Meeting, Santa Fe, NM, November 5-8.
You, Ziying. 2014. “‘Incense Keeps Burning’: The Role of ‘Folk Literati’ in Continuing and Representing Local Traditions in Hongtong, Shanxi, China.” Paper presented at the Seventh Annual OSU/IU Joint Student Conference in Folklore and Ethnomusicology, Columbus, OH, April 4-5.
You, Ziying. 2014. “Entertaining Deities and Humans: Performance of Puju at Temple Fairs in Southern Shanxi.” Paper presented at the Chinese Oral and Performing Literature (CHINOP- ERL) Conference, Philadelphia, PA, March 27.
Also paper presented at the Institute for Chinese Studies (ICS) Graduate Forum, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, March 18, 2014.
You, Ziying. 2013. “Contentious Local Responses to Intangible Cultural Heritage Protection in Hongtong, Shanxi, China.” Paper presented at the American Folklore Society Meeting, Provi- dence, RI, October 16-19.
You, Ziying. 2013. “Contested Myth and History: Yao and Shun and their Beliefs in Hongtong, Shanxi, China.” Paper presented at the Chinese Oral and Performing Literature (CHINOPERL) Conference, San Diego, CA, March 21.
Also paper presented at the Institute for Chinese Studies (ICS) Graduate Forum “New Perspec- tives on Chinese Oral and Performing Literature”, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, March 18, 2013.
You, Ziying. 2012. “Chuantong 传统 (Tradition).” Paper presented in the Forum “Keywords in the Discourses and Practices of Cultural Continuity in China” at the American Folklore Society Meeting, New Orleans, LA, October 24-27.
You, Ziying. 2012. “Tradition and Power: Re-imagining Folklore Studies in Contemporary China.” Paper presented at the Fifth Annual OSU/IU Folklore and Ethnomusicology Student Associations Conference, Columbus, OH, February 17-18.
You, Ziying. 2011. “War between Two Sisters: An Ethnographic Case Study of Local Fights over Chinese National Intangible Cultural Heritage.” Paper presented at the American Folklore Society Meeting, Bloomington, IN, October 12-15.
You, Ziying. 2010. “Revolutionized Tradition: Creation and Performance of ‘New Stories’ in P. R. China from 1963 to 1966.” Paper presented at the American Folklore Society Meeting, Nashville, TN, October 13-16.
You, Ziying. 2010. “Subversive Metaphors of Jiaozi and Mantou in Zhang Yimou’s Film To Live.” Paper presented at the Midwest Conference on Asian Affairs, Columbus, OH, October 1-3.
You, Ziying. 2010. “Food, Identity and Power: Dissemination of Chinese Foodways to the United States.” Paper presented at the Western States Folklore Society Conference, Salem, OR, April 15-17.
You, Ziying. 2010. “Circles of Tradition: Continuity and Consistence of Chinese Foodways in the United States.” Paper presented at the Third Annual OSU/IU Folklore and Ethnomusicology Student Associations Conference, Columbus, OH, April 2-3.
You, Ziying. 2008. “The Political and Ideological Use of Folklore in Modern China.” Paper presented at the Western States Folklore Society Meeting, Davis, CA, April 10-12.
You, Ziying. 2007. “The Use of Folklore and the Re-creation of Stories: Research on the Chi- nese Storytelling Movement in the 1960s and the Publication of the Journal of Stories.” Paper presented at the Youth Forum on Folk Culture Meeting, Beijing, China, August 3.
You, Ziying. 2013. “Contested Traditions: Shifting Actors, Power, and Cultural Continuity in Contemporary China.” Research Roundtable, in the Department of East Asian Languages and Literatures (DEALL), The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, November 25.
You, Ziying. 2013. “Rituals, Beliefs, and Heritage: ‘Receiving Aunts’ and ‘Visiting Sacred Relatives’ in Hongtong, Shanxi, China.” Lecture for CHINESE 5400 Performance Traditions of China, in the Department of East Asian Languages and Literatures, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, October 31.
You, Ziying. 2013. “Tradition Revival in Contemporary China.” Special Lecture for EALL 1231 East Asian Humanities, in the Department of East Asian Languages and Literatures, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, October 11.
You, Ziying. 2013. “Tradition and Power: Contentious Responses to the Safeguarding of In- tangible Cultural Heritage in Contemporary China.” Lecture for ENGL 2270/CMPSTD 2350 Introduction to Folklore, in Departments of English and Comparative Studies, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, September 11.
You, Ziying. 2013. “‘Disaster Narrative’ and Community Rebuilding: Examining the Role of Folklore Studies in Disaster Relief.” Lecture at East China Normal University, Shanghai, China, June 27.
You, Ziying. 2013. “Performance of Regional Opera at Temple Fairs in Rural China.” Lecture for CHINESE 5474 Chinese Opera, in the Department of East Asian Languages and Literatures, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, March 28.
You, Ziying. 2009. “Tradition and Innovation: Creation and Performance of ‘New Stories’ in Contemporary China.” Lecture in Chinese Department, Beijing University, Beijing, China, December 29.
You, Ziying. 2008. ”Why Are We Cooking? Chinese Foodways in America (DVD)”, Documentary
Viedo produced in Folklore Program at University of Oregon.
Accepted into DIVA’s Fifth Annual OpenLens Festival, Eugene, OR, January 10-11, 2009;
Presented at “Handicraft Creates Wealth: The Protection and Development of Traditional Handicraft International Forum 2009,” Shangdong University of Art & Design, Jinan, China, September 9, 2009;
Presented at Sharon R. Sherman’s lecture “From Pencils and Paper to Video, and From Texts and Objects to Performance Studies: Folklore Studies in a Digital Age,” Beijing University, Beijing, China, September 14, 2009;
Presented at the American Folklore Society Meeting, Boise, ID, October 24, 2009.
You, Ziying. 2009. ”Chef Jevon’s Dinner (DVD)”, Documentary Viedo produced in Folklore
Program at University of Oregon.
Presented at the American Folklore Society Meeting, Boise, ID, October 24, 2009.
TEACHING Courses Created
CHIN 225: Myths, Legends and Beliefs in China CHIN 399: Food and Religion in China
CHIN 311: Journey to the West
CHIN 301 and 302: High Intermediate Chinese I and II Courses Taught
CHIN 299: Language in China
CHIN 301 and 302: High Intermediate Chinese I and II CHIN 311 and 312: Advanced Chinese I and II
CHIN 225: Myths, Legends and Beliefs in China
CHIN 399: Food and Religion in China
CHIN 401: Junior Independent Study
CHIN 451 and 452: Senior Independent Study
CHIN 311: Journey to the West
The Ohio State University
Chinese Individualized Instruction at all levels EALL 1231: East Asian Humanities
Conference Activities
- Organizer and chair, panel on “Teaching Chinese Folklore in the Classroom and Beyond” at the American Folklore Society Meeting, Buffalo, NY, October 17-20.
- Organizer and chair, panel on “Traditions in Transition: Intangible Cultural Heritage in Asia” at the American Folklore Society Meeting, Minneapolis, MN, October 18-21, 2017.
- Co-organizer, panel on “Making Intangible Cultural Heritage in China” at the Association for Asian Studies Annual Conference, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, March 16-19, 2017.
- Organizer, panel on “Intangible Cultural Heritage in Asia: Discourse and Practice” at the
- Association for Asian Studies Annual Conference, Seattle, WA, March 31-April 3, 2016. Organizer and chair, panel on “Cultural Encounters, Ecologies, and Enactments in Contemporary China” at the American Folklore Society Meeting, Long Beach, CA, October 14-17, 2015.
- Organizer and chair, panel on “Cultural Conflict, Cooperation, and Exchanges in Contemporary China” at the Mid-Atlantic Region Association for Asian Studies 44th Annual Conference, Pittsburgh, PA, October 9-11, 2015.
- Organizer and chair, panel on “Local Actors in Folklore Transmission and Practice in Contemporary China” at the American Folklore Society Meeting, Santa Fe, NM, November 5-8, 2014.
- Organizer and chair, panel on “The Interests of Intangible Cultural Heritage and Issues of Cultural Sustainability” at the American Folklore Society Meeting, Providence, RI, October 16- 19, 2013.
- Organizer, panel on “Discourses and Practices of Folk Literature and Arts in Revolutionary China: 1949-1966” at the American Folklore Society Meeting, Nashville, TN, October 13-16, 2010.
- Organizer, “‘The Orient’ Meets ‘The Occident’: Representations of Chinese Foodways in the United States” (Media Session). Documentaries presented at the American Folklore Society Meeting, Boise, ID, October 21-24, 2009.
University and Public Services
Mentor, the American Folklore Society’s mentoring program, September–October, 2015
Vice-President, the Graduate Students of East Asian Languages and Literatures (GREALL), The Ohio State University. August, 2012–August, 2013
Organizing Committee Member, Institute for Chinese Studies (ICS) Graduate Forum: “New Perspectives on Chinese Oral and Performing Literature”, The Ohio State University. February– March, 2013
Coordinator, Fundraising for Flood Victims in Hongtong, Shanxi, China. February–June, 2013 Interpreter and Translator, the China-US Forum on Intangible Cultural Heritage (FICH), American Folklore Society. April, 2011–December, 2012
Co-convener, the Transnational Asia/Pacific Section, American Folklore Society. October, 2009–October, 2011
Chair, the DEALL Section at Asian Festival, Columbus, Ohio. April, 2010–May, 2010
Website Administrator and Editor,“Youth Forum on Folk Culture.”September, 2002–November, 2007
The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship in Languages, The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
The Center for Folklore Studies Post-candidacy Fellowship, The Ohio State University. University Fellowship, Graduate School, The Ohio State University.
Tien-Yi Li Award for Outstanding Academic Performance, Department of East Asian Languages and Literatures, The Ohio State University. 2014 Dan Crowley Memorial Student Essay Prize, American Folklore Society. 2010 Student Travel Award, American Folklore Society. 2009 Archie Green Student Travel Award in Public Folklore, American Folklore Society. 2009 Jonathan T. Y. Yeh Award for Student Scholarship in Asian and Asian American Folklore, American Folklore Society.
Graduate School Research Award, University of Oregon. Promising Scholar Award, University of Oregon.
Research and Teaching Grants
Faculty Development Fund, The College of Wooster.
APEX Experiential Learning Mini Grants, The College of Wooster.
Office of International Affairs Student Research Grant, The Ohio State University. Arts & Humanities Graduate Research Small Grant, The Ohio State University.
Louise Zung-nyi Loh Memorial Scholarship, The Ohio State University. Graduate Scholarships, Chinese Department, Peking University. Scholarships of Excellence, Chinese Department, Henan Normal University.
American Folklore Society
Association for Asian Studies
Association of Critical Heritage Studies
China Folklore Society
Chinese Oral and Performing Literature (CHINOPERL) Modern Language Association
Western States Folklore Society